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In Memory

I love model kits. Injected Plastic Kits, Styrene Kits, Resin Kits, Garage kits, Scratchbuilt kits. They've been a hobby since the late Fifties. So I hope you enjoy this page as much as I do.

What's New?

Except for Polar Lights, not much. Expensive Garage kits are always out there, but the only mainstream manufacturer putting out Sci-Fi kits is Polar lights. Revell, Monogram, and AMT have all dropped Sci-Fi and few of the Foreign companies will touch Sci-Fi. Those that do, face high tarrifs realizd in high prices at the hobby shops.


To visit the Polar Lights website, click on their logo.


Just a few shelves in my hobby room.



Some of My kits

I call this one "Barney grows up".


Or maybe "Teenage Muntant barney"


To see More of my kits, Check out

my model showcase